Unification, the predictive consequences of our individual and collective vibrational make up.

We are superficially diverse but we are fundamentally unified at our source. While experiences shape our individual lives, this unification at our source also contributes to the expansion of our cumulative experiences. By reviewing Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s book, The Science of Being and Art of Living, we examine suffering, positive thinking, and karma in relation to emotions and contemporary scientific theories supporting the predictive consequences of our individual and collective vibrational make up.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was a trained physicist who became a meditation teacher under the direction of his Guru Dev, and later introduced the Transcendental Meditation technique. During Transcendental Meditation, the practitioner experiences bliss consciousness, where our natural state of peace, harmony, and clarity directly infuses with our everyday activities. Maharishi explains the two aspects of the technique as first taking the mind out of the gross relative field of life’s experience, to a quiet space at the source of your thoughts and the experience of un-manifested “Being”, then brought back to the relative field of existence well-infused with the state of Being. This natural state of Being, is accessed at the transcendental field and brought out into the relative, ever changing, field of direct experience or existence. The technique is taught by a certified teacher, where the student learns to access a deeper space of awareness where this natural state of Being unfolds spontaneously in Transcendental Consciousness, (Maharishi, 2011, Art of Being, para. 8).

In Science of Being and the Art of Living, Maharishi uses the term science to align traditional systemized objective knowledge with the importance of adding subjective direct experiences. Maharishi states this approach “enlarges the conscious capacity of the mind to infinite values and therefore functions not only as the basis for the great expansion of knowledge in every field of science, but also brings to man a direct way to fulfillment” (Maharishi, 2011, Introduction, para. 17). By including subjective experiences in the pursuit of deeper systematized knowledge, we can begin to correlate predictive consequences impacting both individual and collective experiences.

Desire, innate in the human experience, bridges the intellect and mind into manifestation. The vibrational variance between our desires and where we are can be measured in our emotions and associated suffering (Abraham, Hicks, & Hicks, 2007). Cultivating our innate and natural state of positive Being through the practice of Transcendental Meditation helps to strengthen the conscious mind and stabilize the nervous system. In this state, the dullness and inefficiency associated with negativity, past karma, and suffering is neutralized and the ability to see opportunity in both negative and positive life experiences increases (Maharishi, 2011, The Art of Performing Action to Yield Maximum Results, para. 13).

Contemporary science is researching the Unified Field and supporting string and superstring theories. According to string theory, all particles arise from the vibrational states of tiny strings.  Researchers from top universities across the globe are using mathematical solutions to define reality through equations that have the same matter particles that exist in our universe, including algebraic geometry, to connect string theory to the observable universe (Ananthaswamy, 2019).

John Hagelin, Ph.D., renowned quantum physicist and president of Maharishi International University, discusses the Unified Field and superstring theory during the 2015 Science and Nonduality conference, available on YouTube. In his talk, “Is Consciousness the Unified Field?”, Dr. Hagelin explains the particles in superstring theory that create the material universe are the “inevitable predicted consequence” of the natural states of vibration resulting from reverberant frequencies that rise and strike different tones of the Unified Field (Quantum-Mind, Oct 22, 2015).

The desire of human consciousness to know itself is experienced through the natural state of transcendental consciousness, where pure consciousness knows itself as the observer, observed, and the process of observing. When experiencing positive or negative thinking, suffering, karma or emotions, we are in tune with the great energy we carry within ourselves, and the distance to the absolute bliss we naturally possess (Maharishi, 2011, Purpose of Life, para. 11). Maharishi reminds us that no matter the distance between our desires and our current experiences, to make full use of all the surroundings we have created, “When we build a house, we make full use of the surroundings that we have created in it. If we plant a garden outside, we enjoy it, but if we do not plant a garden, we enjoy the warmth of the living room” (Maharishi, 2011, How to Make Full Use.., para. 8).

Together, we are co-creating a universe based on our vibrational imprints reverberating from our response to life. By accessing transcendental consciousness, we not only benefit from increased self-confidence, self-actualization, and improvement in mental and physical health as evidenced through extensive scientific research (Maharishi, 2011, Appendix A, para. 12), we are better equipped to bring alignment into our lives and our world.


Abraham, Hicks, E., & Hicks, J. (2007). The astonishing power of emotions. London: Hay House.

Ananthaswamy, A. (2019). Found: A Quadrillion Ways for String Theory to Make Our Universe. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/found-a-quadrillion-ways-for-string-theory-to-make-our-universe/

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (2011). Science of Being and Art of Living [MUM Press. Kindle Edition]. Retrieved from Amazon.com

Quantum-Mind. (Oct 22, 2015). Home [YouTube Channel]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/PZkO2e98Z